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A Healthy Home

Posted on May 21, 2022 by Jim Neely
Outside our home we have limited opportunities to improve the environment, but in our home we can do a lot.At home we would like to feel liberated, relax and do things that we enjoy.We wish to eat, sleep, sleep, possibly work, and interact with friends and loved ones.We spend many hours at home.Obviously, we want our house to be comfortable and healthy as you can.What environment make you happy? What exactly do you like to have around you? Feeling great in the home is a matter of bodily in addition to psychological and social well-being...

Are Your Ducts Making You Sick?

Posted on April 17, 2022 by Jim Neely
In case you've got a heating or cooling systems that uses air ducts, you could have a problem.There are many duct systems that are poorly designed and installed that have the ability to bring pollutants into your residence.Some are ducts are located in wet or damp crawl spaces and basements.Having ducts that aren't properly sealed or insulated in these locations can draw moisture, mold, bacteria and even carbon monoxide into the building...

Interior Design For Couples

Posted on March 25, 2022 by Jim Neely
Interior design for couples is one of the hottest, most popular types of design these days.In the past, men have not taken the initiative to actually be involved in the interior design of their homes, often resulting in very female orientated, elegant designs that are beautiful although not exactly appealing to the Saturday afternoon football crew.This type of design is often beautiful and can be ideal in certain situations...

Cheap Interior Design Ideas

Posted on February 21, 2022 by Jim Neely
Cheap interior design ideas come in many forms nowadays.From television shows to magazines, the industry is trying to teach the consumer how to design cheap.In the past, ideas such as cheap design shows would have left most interior designers horrified.The industry of interior design has changed dramatically over the last few years in order to better accommodate consumers.In it's early to mid phases of development, interior design was an industry of prestige...

Interior Design For Bargain Hunters

Posted on January 16, 2022 by Jim Neely
Interior design for bargain hunters is the new fashionable item in the arena of interior design.Everyone is interested these days in making their money stretch as far as possible.There are many, many possible ways to accomplish this.The main determining factor in your success is the quantity of patience and time you're willing to invest so as to find and purchase true items of value and not frivolous purchases which are of significantly less value you will repent later...